Letter to Santa

Queridos tibianos,

Es un gran honor que nos encantaría invitarlos a celebrar la Navidad con nosotros, por esta razón, ¡algunos fansites hemos acordado organizar varios eventos!


Para este concurso queremos que nuestro White Lion lea tu carta a Santa (sí, tiene ese poder) antes de enviársela.


- El concurso comienza en el server save del 23 de diciembre y termina en el server save del 6 de enero.

- La carta debe tener al menos 500 palabras.

- Debe incluir las palabras (white lion, santa, winter)

- No envíes una carta que ya usas para otro concurso de Navidad de fansite, no tendremos en cuenta esa participación.

- Envía tu participación a través del Discord (https://discord.gg/7N3hjgPzMe) de El Podcast Tibiano en el canal #lettertosanta-2022



1st. Golden Warrior Trophy+ White Lion Doll

2. Silver Warrior Trophy + 250 Christmas tokens

3. Bronze Warrior Trophy + 100 Christmas Tokens

English Version

Dear Tibians,
It is with great honor that we would love to invite you to celebrate Christmas with us, for this reason, some fansites have agreed to organize various events!


For this contest we want our White Lion to read your letter to Santa (yes he have that power) before sending it to him.


- The contest start on the server save of December 23rd and ends at the server save of January 6th.
- The letter have to be at least 500 words.
- It should include the words (white lion, santa, winter)
- Don’t submit a letter that you already use for another fansite Xmas contest, if you do that we won’t take that participation in consideration.
- Send your participation through the Discord (https://discord.gg/7N3hjgPzMe) of El Podcast Tibiano in the channel #lettertosanta-2022


1st. Golden Warrior Trophy+ White Lion Doll

2. Silver Warrior Trophy + 250 Christmas tokens

3. Bronze Warrior Trophy + 100 Christmas Tokens

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